Utah 128 - "The Canyons of the Colorado River" - By GJRonK

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By GJRonK (2630 McR Points) on Feb 06, 2013
Creator : RonK
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Even if you can't travel this route right after a big rainfall when there are fifty brief waterfalls along the route, it's still a ride you won't forget. The red and tan cliffs along the first 30 miles of this route are sheer and spectacular and you'll wish you could just be a passenger. You can see the Colorado River all along the way and may see boaters floating downriver.
At mile marker 14, a stop at Red Cliffs Ranch (a guest ranch with horses)to visit the free movie memorabilia museum is fun.
At 30 miles, you will cross the Colorado River at Dewey Bridge. The original bridge remnants are still there. It was built in 1916, but burned during a brush fire in 2008. I have crossed that bridge in a pickup with a camper where I had just several inches of bridge rail beyond my mirrors.
From there, you will proceed away from the river along some open desert country.
The old (as some would call it "ghost") town remnants of Cisco are several miles east of the only stop sign you will come to.
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