Mesa, Globe, Punkin Center, and back to Mesa - By Atomic Punk

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By Atomic Punk (5 McR Points) on Apr 14, 2021
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Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
A quick business trip from Western NC to the Phoenix; took a day to rent a bike and check out the Tonto National Forest. Early April with the desert in bloom - this was a great ride. There is some great scenery along Roosevelt Lake and the Cliff Dwellings were pretty spectacular. Jake's Corner is a must stop, decent cantina food, they have live music with frequency, and good spot to stretch the legs. Headed back towards the Fountainhills area, hit the Usery Mountains, worth the ride. 60 West is the low point on the ride, just tarmac. Traffic throughout the ride wasn't bad at all. I wore my summer textile jacket and thought it was perfect, good airflow and kept the sun exposure low. I would suggest throwing a few water bottles in the saddle bags -
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