
Squirrel Spur Rd - By Brian Fistler

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By Brian Fistler (93 McR Points) on Feb 08, 2015

Creator : bkfist
Motorcycle Type : Sport

This road would be a 5-Star road if it weren't for the condition of the road. I agree with the author, I'd give it a 3, as I consider a gravel road with potholes a 1, and a well packed gravel road to be a 2.
The surface of the road is "grainy" and does not inspire any confidence on a sport bike that you have any great deal of traction available in the turns. It is NOT full of tar snakes or pot holes, just the surface is very tired and aged, the kind of road surface where you can kick aggregate out of the blacktop with your boot with little effort.
If you are riding a bagger or touring bike with limited lean angles you'll be OK, but I do not feel at all comfortable on a sport bike going around the corners on this road at any speed I would consider "fun" were the condition of the road surface in newer condition.
It's a fun ride, but if I'm heading up to, or down from Meadows of Dan, I tend to take Hwy 58 or Hwy 8.

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