Ohio River Scenic Route 7 - East Liverpool to Wheeling - By Robert C Johnson

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By Robert C Johnson (15 McR Points) on Jan 13, 2018
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Motorcycle Type : Other
I agree mostly boring.. Here are a few things to make it a better ride. Just south of Wellsville , jump on route 213.. I posted on here about route 213. Trust me you will never see 4 gear or above.. It brings you out right before Stubenville 213 will add about 40 min to your ride. IF you want a great steak stop in Abdella's if you are heading south it is right past the power plant on the right in Empire Ohio. Not much to look at from the road. but the food is good. Finally if you want a beer and view. Stop at Misty harbor marina in Toronto 10 minutes further south of the power plant.
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