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By Awesimon (6 McR Points) on Dec 04, 2016

Creator : Awesimon
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser

Had a great time going up the mountain. I was actually surprised the park was free entry and totally expected to pay. The 20mph speed limits on the way up dampen things somewhat on the way up; or more, slows you down to enjoy the sweeping curves in a safe manner(!) the view from the top is glorious, and contains views of downtown Phoenix, Mesa and Tempe, and the entire Weat Valley. Downsides were 'lots' of wasps at the top, and a really, really slow driver from Cali. The ride down was actually much better. No traffic meant I was able to get a bit more speed up and enjoy the curves a bit more. Overall, short and sweet, and best enjoyed early in the morning, preferably with some company! :)

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