Our First Major Ride - By RedWing04

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By RedWing04 (63 McR Points) on Sep 24, 2015

Creator : REDWING04
Motorcycle Type : Touring

Did this route in 2013. This is a good route with interesting scenery and roads. Just east of Arco you will pass the first nuclear power plant in the USA on the southside of Hiway 26 (now shutdown). 19 miles southwest of Arco on Hiway 26 is Craters Of The Moon National Monument which is worth the visit with lots of lava flows, a tube, cinder cones and extinct volcanos. Stay at the motorcycle friendly Arco Inn in Arco. From Arco to Challis riding in a big valley with mountains on both side. From Challis to Sun Valley lots of twisties and scenic mountains.

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