
Clark County Scenic Loop - By cassandraj

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By cassandraj (2 McR Points) on Sep 07, 2014

Creator : cassandra
Motorcycle Type : Sport

I made a photo album public on Facebook of this ride that I did today. It was beautiful! Could be slow and sweeping or fast and technical, whatever you wanted to ride. Nick's is still open in Amboy. Downtown Battle Ground was cute. Moulton Falls also has a cool winery nearby if you're into that. And the Cedar Creek Grist Mill looked like a popular photo spot! Perfect weather, perfect roads, leaves were starting to change. I plan on doing this ride again in another week or two with a friend. Way cool. Also the route doesn't have to be a fixed A>B>C you could reverse the direction (starting in Woodland, WA where I ended), just follow the signs! I missed a turn in downtown Battle Ground and did some extra riding but it was all beautiful and only added about 10 mi to my ride. I didn't end up where I started, I ended up more north. Started at Clark County Amphitheater. Ended in Woodland. Spend about 2 hours tooling through and taking photos. The link is:

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