North Dallas - 455 onto 697 - By razzlemacher

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By razzlemacher (2 McR Points) on Dec 23, 2016

Creator : razzlemacher
Motorcycle Type : Standard

This route goes through a lot of curves and farm roads. You'll see bales of hay, farm houses, open lands, horses, cows, pet dogs (none tried to chase my bike) running in yards, small towns, etc. It's a wonderful ride to just enjoy the texas back country and relax. There are plenty of gas stations you'll encounter as you use the bigger roads to jump across farm roads.

The roads are all in good shape as of now (Dec 2016). There is a smaller patch (perhaps 5 miles) which is paved but has pot holes and gravel. If you go slow you will be fine. All kinds of bikes can do this route.

Since this is all farm roads, I did see gravel on some curves (all paved) and was careful to pick the right line or just went slow. Just be careful as always not to enter the curves too hot (i.e. fast) as always.

A couple of additional notes:
I rode this today (23rd Dec 2016). The important thing is to make sure you take 455 E from Preston Road even though its not included in the GPX route above. The author of this route mentions this in the text description so it's helpful to read that. The ride on 455 E to US-75 is great. It has a lot of curves and paved road. I loaded the GPX file into my OSMApp for maps on my Android phone and was good to go.

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