
Railroad Bridge Road - By McClintock RoadKingOne

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By McClintock RoadKingOne (4 McR Points) on Jul 06, 2014

Creator : McClintock
Motorcycle Type : Touring

THIS IS A GREAT RIDE!!! Roads are very good for Oklahoma. I definitely suggest to anyone, to take a copy of the map/directions from this site with you. If you don't; no worry's though,the people you'll see along the way,will be glad to point you in the right direction,if needed! Don't pass up on the rest stop at GIGI's in Byars for a rest,snack,cold drink, and to pet the big friendly dog on the front porch! He is very biker friendly! The road to the bridge may have you wondering at first if you have made a wrong turn! and yes you may even think that you are hearing banjo music, and Ned Beatty "Squealing Like A Pig!" in the background! Never Fear, This is just good ole undisturbed, country Oklahoma! The scenery on Railroad Bridge Road is Awesome! The Railroad Bridge is Super Cool! I will definitely take myself, and my biker friend on this ride again soon! Oh Yeah, and at the end in Purcell,You've got to stop and eat at Sonny's Cafe, Biker Friendly,Right on the Hi-way,Great Food,Very Friendly Staff! Keep The Rubber Side Down & The Wind In Your Hair!--McClintock

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