Starved Rock Run on Rt 71 - By VulcanDan

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By VulcanDan (129 McR Points) on Apr 11, 2012
Creator : ViragoDan
Motorcycle Type : Other
I rode this road last year on my 2009 TW200. I always considered the start of this road where 71 and 34 meet. Not very twisty until you get to the preserve areas, but some slight hills and a lot of farms to look at, which I consider scenery. Gas stations aren't numerous, but don't seem to be more than 20-miles apart. The crashed airplane monument to the farmers is always cool to look at. I stop there anytime I rode or drive to Starved Rock.
Even with just 200cc's, it's a great road to ride. Start early in the morning to get there as it does tend to get a little busy in the afternoon with travelers going in both directions, but even with traffic, it's not bad. There are always plenty of bikes going down the road, so your waving hand has plenty to do.
Can't wait to ride it again soon with 1100cc's.
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