Highway 21 - Boise to Lowman - By Vchamp
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By Vchamp (6 McR Points) on Sep 17, 2018
Creator : Vchamp
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
WOW! Rode Stanley to Boise via Grand Jean>Lowman>Idaho City... the amazing scenery and FUN roads don't end on this ride. Kirkham Hot Springs (just before you get into Lowman) looked amazing (a free campground within walking distance if you're so inclined.) Pretty technical (and FUN) from Lowman to Idaho City as you climb 2,000 feet up tight switch backs out of Lowman for about 15 miles. Then a gorgeous ride through the Boise National Forest along the Payette and through the mountains... with more twisties! And just when you think the fun is over... you're at Lucky Peak State Park and there is a long... gradual... curvy descent into Boise. HEAVENLY day ride!
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