Classic Mulholland Highway Route - By Homie-san
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By Homie-san (137 McR Points) on Jan 19, 2022
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Motorcycle Type : Touring
Wife and I took a trip to Los Angeles County Superior Court to get some paperwork for a legal thing. This is the weekend following a Huge storm that blew in from the Pacific and dumped a Metric ton of rain on the area. This may not have been the best decision in my life but we went for a ride on the Mulholland Hwy. There was a section just beyond the Rock Store that was closed due to a fire and another section closed due to a traffic accident. All the roads were dirty from run off and the west most section that runs into the PCH had signage that it was also closed. We went down slowly waiting for the barricades that never materialized. Good ride all be it disorganized.
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