18 in South Dakota of 18 Routes 18 Miles 0 Followers
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By reddogg051 (124 McR Points) on Jan 06, 2025

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Written Directions

take cedar st south out of canton, that will turn to 481st ave and hwy 135. follow the curve onto 285th st. this will curve again 482nd ave. follow along to 288th street, hwy 140. turn onto 486th ave. follow along with the curve onto 293rd st. which will curve onto 488thave. right into hudson, sd. turn onto harris street and follow down to 4th street. take 4th st down to wheellock st


this route starts off leaving small town of canton and will wind you along some very scenic two lane black top. following along side of the big sioux river for some time, you will wind through curves with up and down hills until you pop out onto the prairie. you will pass some old cemeteries . and wind up in a very small town with arguably the best bloody mary's anywhere

Drive Enjoyment

there is some flat straight road along with some hilly straight road. you will come across some tighter curves and some big sweeper curves, some of the curves will be going down hill and uphill

Tourism Opportunities

newton hills state park for camping or hiking. not far away from inspiration hills. canton and hudson have great small town restaurants. Waddy's in hudson has the best bloody mary's .

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