50 in Pennsylvania of 80 Routes 11 Miles 0 Followers
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Overall Route Rating
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4 out of 5 Rider Rating 4
1 Review

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Akumu (4000 McR Points) on Dec 27, 2013

Rider Reviews

4000 McR Points
Southwest PA is not especially known for it's…

Written Directions

This route can be taken off of Route 30 just past Greensburg (if heading east) just before Greensburg (if heading west). However, the fun doesn't start until after Route 982. Route 981 and 982 (roads that run parallel to 130) can both be taken off of Route 30 as well in Lawson Heights, PA.


Scenery is a solid 3. It's large hills and farmland abound until you delve down into the thick woods. The woods are a solid 5 in the autumn (as in the video provided) and then back out to the hills and farmland.

Drive Enjoyment

The road is grooved in the first 1/2 coming from Greensburg after Route 982 in such a way that you will feel a slight wandering of your front and/or rear tires. It's sort of a surreal feeling, but it's never had any effect on my turn ins or given me much discomfort. Other than that the pavement is a solid 3 to 3.5 as it was tar and chipped in 2012.

Tourism Opportunities

None. Get whatever you need from Greensburg, Latrobe, Lawson Heights or any other road on US 30. There's no landmarks, either.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

This is a nice little road that's close enough to cities that you don't have to ride too far to get to this one. The hills and twisties make it fun, it's no monster, but a nice ride that I recommend. While you're at it head down 381 south into Ohiopyle for some more twisty goodness.

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4000 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Southwest PA is not especially known for it's twisties, but rather it's access to twisties. However, when the weather is cold out I don't want to ride my typical 450 miles loops so I stay closer to home with routes like this, 381, 221, 231 and such. All solid rides that aren't especially challenging, but good enough to keep you entertained until the weather warms up and allows you to expand your mileage. (Or perhaps time is an issue and you want to stay closer to home for that sake.) Regardless, this is a solid road, never really boring, but not exactly challenging either. The stereotypical cruiser ride would like this road.
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