Written Directions
Turn right onto State Rt. 223, follow it until you get to a T-intersection by the Erin fire hall. Take a left to continue on Rt. 223, follow it until you get to a sharp left hand turn down the windy, Swartwood hill and follow that all the way to State Rt. 224.
This route offers some twisty roads. The first corner at the top of Swartwood hill, and the last corner on Swartwood hill are the sharpest. It gets you away from the city vibe of Elmira and Horseheads, and out into the countryside.
Drive Enjoyment
This road has a few sharp curves and a few twisties toward the middle of the ride and has a few twisties towards the end. For the most part it's flat.
Tourism Opportunities
There's not much to do from a tourist standpoint, but there is a historical museum that is usually open on weekends.