4 in Italy of 8 Routes 108 Miles 0 Followers
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By sssmokemannn (20 McR Points) on Sep 22, 2011

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Written Directions

Starting in Olbia, eastern Sardinia, the route follows SS125 "Orientale Sarda" southbound to Tortol.


You'll follow the breath taking Sardinia coastline on about 3/4 of its length. The first part down to Siniscola will take you through villages and a small castle on a rock, but it's the least interesting. The second part will shock you with a fabulous road through mountains and coastline.

Drive Enjoyment

Surprisingly good quality pavement, excellent grip and clean road. From Dorgali to Tortol curvy but not too difficult.

Tourism Opportunities

Coffee break in a small bar in Genna Silana (15 miles south of Dorgali) is a must, but that's gonna be a while after your start. I suggest a lunch break in La Caletta, ristorante britannia (good fish and seafood) and an INCREDIBLE dinner at your destination, in a place called La Peschiera, in Arbatax (next to Tortol). about 40 dollars each for a huge fish dinner. Better reserve the day before.

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