6 in Italy of 8 Routes 35 Miles 0 Followers
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Motorcycle Route Author

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By sssmokemannn (20 McR Points) on Sep 23, 2011

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Written Directions

From Arrone village (near Terni) through SP209 to Visso.


The route follow Nera river and its valley, through the gorgeous Appeninan mountains of central Italy.

Drive Enjoyment

Excellent medium level biking road, curvy but easy to handle. Very good pavement quality offering a good grip. Not so much traffic except during good weather Sundays, where a lot of bikers choose it to spend the day.

Tourism Opportunities

You'll be crossing a couple of villages and you can basically pick up any restaurant in the area and be glad. Truffle is the special dish of almost all of them, as well as hunting games like forrest pigs.

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