42 in Canada of 126 Routes 48 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Dec 04, 2020

Rider Reviews

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90 McR Points
Beautiful part of a ride through the mountains.…

Written Directions

Start at the junction of TC-1 and BC Rt.95 in Golden BC. Head east on TC-1. You pass through Yoho National Park, enter Alberta and end at the junction with the Icefields Parkway AB Rt. 93.


The scenery on this route is spectacular. You follow the Kicking Horse River as you leave Golden in a narrow, deep valley. Mountains rise on all side as you climb upwards towards Kicking Horse Pass. After the pass you head towards the world famous Banff National Park and all of its beauty. About 37 from Golden is Yoho Valley Road which leads you to the towering Takakkaw Falls in 8 miles. Just before the Alberta border is the road to Lake O'Hara a beautiful sight if your up for some gravel.

Drive Enjoyment

This is a very enjoyable ride. The pavement is good. There are numerous passing lanes and 4 lane sections. All that allows you to enjoy the scenery around you. The curves are generally sweepers with a few tighter ones mixed in.

Tourism Opportunities

The main tourism here is sightseeing. Takakkaw Falls is something to see. There are several nice scenic spots along the Yoho road to see the Meeting of the Waters and the Spiral Railroad Bridges. Theres a nice lodge at Lake O'Hara. There is some lodging in Field BC. The Yoho Visitor Center is a nice stop to get a good feel for the area.

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90 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Beautiful part of a ride through the mountains. Spectacular scenery.
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