60 in Canada of 126 Routes 300 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 25, 2020

Rider Reviews

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640 McR Points
This section doesn't have the pizzaz of the…

Written Directions

This section of the route stars at the junction of Rts. 16 & 37. You head east on Rt. 16 until Prince George BC


This route follows three different rivers on the way to Prince George, the Skeena, the Bulkley and the Nechako. The surrounding terrain starts fairly flat until after Moricetown. From there through Fort Fraser there are some hills to enjoy. The route gets even flatter in the plains after Fort Fraser. From Burns Lake to Fraser Lake there are abundant Moose to beware of. There are some pullouts to stop and admire the lakes.

Drive Enjoyment

The pavement is very good on Rt.16. The route is generally flat as it follows several different rivers. There are straight sections mixed in with mostly sweepers. There are a few tighter turns with some elevation changes in the Lakes region before the route flattens and straightens past Fort Fraser.

Tourism Opportunities

The services on this section are fairly evenly spaced with food, gas and lodging. There is abundant wildlife to see up here. There is great fishing on the numerous lakes and miles and miles of hiking and bike trails. A sidetrip out of Topley leads up to Red Bluff Park. Another side trip from Fraser Lake leads to Francois Lake Park. Prince George has just about everything you will need up north

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This section doesn't have the pizzaz of the section towards Jasper, but it a nice ride on its own merits. The road is an easy ride with numerous passing lanes. Makes for a fast ride if you want. Burns and Fraser lakes have many water related activities like fishing and boating along with trails to explore.
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