86 in Canada of 126 Routes 37 Km 0 Followers
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By PaulC (812 McR Points) on Jul 31, 2020

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Written Directions

Wolfe Island is accessible two ways. From Canada, get to Kingston, ON. At the south end of Kingston, at 295 Ontario St. (at The Tragically Hip Way), take the Wolfe Island ferry. Crossing time 20 minutes. No charge. (NOTE - WHEN ON THE FERRY, DO NOT GET IN THE FIRST 2 OR 3 ROWS. EVEN MILD WAVES WILL SPLASH UP FROM THE FRONT OF THE FERRY! From the U.S., catch the ferry on Club St. in Cape Vincent, NY. This is a 10-minutes crossing, and is not free.


Wolfe Island is a thing of beauty. While it does not have the stunning mountains abundant in some parts of Canada, the island is very laid back and pastoral. The beauty of the farms, rolling fields, and history all combine to make Wolfe Island a wonderful and intriguing place to visit.

Drive Enjoyment

Ride enjoyment is difficult to score. Here it is pretty personal. There are not twisties and switchbacks. But there are miles and miles of farmland to traverse. Only two roads are paved. County Rd. 96 travelling east from the eastern most point of Wolfe Island to the main town of Marysville, and a bit beyond. And County Rd.95, travelling north/south between Marysville and Point Alexandria (ferry to the U.S.). However, there are lots of small hard-packed gravel roads throughout Wolfe Island. These travel past the many farms that are scattered throughout the island.

Tourism Opportunities

The main town of Marysville is small, but has all you need. WARNING: There are no gas stations on the island (as of Aug 2020 ... may change in the future). Fill up on the mainland!!! Several restaurants. A great bakery (Wolfe Island Bakery - see pic attached). And a lovely little coffee shop (Cafe Tenango - drink your coffee in their back yard facing the St. Lawrence (see 3 pics attached)). To spend time at the water, visit Big Sandy Bay in the SW section of Wolfe Island.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

Wolfe Island is laid back and friendly. Two paved roads, and a lot of hard packed gravel roads make this a perfect place to visit with an adventure or other non-cruiser bike. This is an ideal location to spend a day exploring and talking to friendly people. As stated above, there are no gas stations on Wolfe Island!!

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