70 in Canada of 126 Routes 65 miles Miles 0 Followers
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3 out of 5 Rider Rating 3
1 Review

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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 02, 2020

Rider Reviews

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640 McR Points
Give it a 3 because the road is mostly gravel.…

Written Directions

NOTE: THE MAP ABOVE IS INCORRECT BUT FOR SOME REAONS GOOGLE MAPS IS REFUSING TO DRAW THE ROUTE ALONG ROUTE 9 (PERHAPS BECAUSE THIS ROUTE IS CLOSED IN THE WINTER) ALL THE WAY TO THE WEST TO THE CANADA/ALASKA BORDER. IF YOU SCROLL THE MAP TO THE WEST, YOU'LL SEE HOW ROUTE 9 GOES WEST. You catch the George Black Ferry in Dawson City YK across the Yukon River. You exit off the ferry onto Rt.9. Stay on Rt.9 until the US Customs stop at the Alaska border. The road is closed during the winter.


The road runs along the ridge tops with impressive views in all directions. You are really alone on this road as there are no services and no cell reception but that is part of the fun, to ride the road less traveled and to witness things most will not. Saw herds of Caribou and a few Bears.

Drive Enjoyment

I give the road a 3 because it is 75% mostly hardpacked gravel. You have to be alert. It is an obviously hilly and curvy road. I was able to maintain mostly 45MPH on a Harley Road Glide. As always up north there can be some washboarding, but nothing to bad.

Tourism Opportunities

There are no services along this road. The main thing for this road is to enjoy the solitude and stop off at a few of the magnificent viewpoints and take it all in.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

There is no gas on this road. The first gas after Dawson is in Chicken Alaska at a distance of 109 miles.

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Give it a 3 because the road is mostly gravel. The views are outstanding when you're not in any rain or fog. This is a unique ride in North America and a good one for a notch on the bedpost so to speak.
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