97 in Canada of 126 Routes 260 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Dec 17, 2020

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Written Directions

Begin in Sept-Iles on Rt. 138 and head east all the way to Kegashka on Rt. 138.


This route follows the Gulf of St. Lawrence as it flows out to the Atlantic Ocean. This section has more hills than the first part of the route. You are in more rugged wilderness than earlier to as the towns get smaller and more spread out. The river crossings are numerous here as well with some small canyons carved out by them. There is wildlife to be seen as well.

Drive Enjoyment

The pavement is generally good up to Havre-Saint-Pierre. From there to Natashquan the road was a little rougher and more jarring. After Natashquan there is 32 miles of gravel to Kegashka. The curves are sweepers mixed in with some tighter turns but nothing to extreme.

Tourism Opportunities

The towns are spread out more the further east you go. Havre-Saint-Pierre is the biggest and has lodging, gas and food. Chez Julie has excellent food. From Havre you can take a boat out to the Mingan Archipelago and hike among the odd rock features. The Trait de scie Aguanish is a river with a 25 foot canyon to check out. There are places to look for marine mammals and shorebirds along the route. You can get a picture at the FIN 138 sign in Kegashka.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

At Natashquan or Kegashka you can catch the Relais Nordik Ferry to take you all the way to Blanc Sablon. From Blanc Sablon you can ride east to the Trans Labrador Highway. West will take you 40 miles on Rt.138 to its end in Old Fort Quebec. You can also board a ferry to St. Barbe Newfoundland.

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