91 in Canada of 126 Routes 266 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 29, 2020

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Written Directions

You start this route in Prince George at the junction of Rt's 16 & 97. You cross the Fraser River and head south on Rt 97 all the way to Cache Creek where the route ends at the junction with Rt.1. When going through Quesnel make sure and pay attention to the road signs and where to turn left at Carson Ave and left again at the T intersection to stay on Rt. 97.


i went back and forth on giving this a 3 or 4 and settled on 3. It is a beautiful area as is most of BC. The roads it connects to at either end lead to some world class beauty, hence the 3. You start out riding along the Fraser River. You are between the Northern Rockies to the East and the mountains on the Pacific coast. It gets a little more hilly from soda creek to 150 mile house. You leave the Fraser and ride along several of BC's many lakes. Closer to Cache Creek the scenery takes on a high desert look.

Drive Enjoyment

The pavement is generally excellent on the Cariboo. There are many sections with passing lanes. The terrain is generally flat with long straights and sweeping curves.

Tourism Opportunities

Though a nice ride, this roads primary function is to get you from southern Bc to northern BC. There is everything you may need in Prince George as far lodging, food, gas, and motorcycle shops. Quesnel has all sevices also. There are 2 nice parks, Ft. George and Connaught, in Prince George where you can walk along the rivers. There is a nice riverwalk in Quensel also.The BC Cowboy Hall of Fame is in Williams Lake. Cache Creek is a historical crossroads

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