61 in Canada of 126 Routes 200 Miles 0 Followers
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1 Review

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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 25, 2020

Rider Reviews

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640 McR Points
This is a nice enjoyable ride. A longer but much…

Written Directions

This route begins at the junction of Rts 16 & 40 a couple of miles west of Hinton. You head north on 40 through Grande Cache at 86 miles to Grand Prairie at 200 miles.


This is a road mostly through the wilderness. To the west are the Northern Rockies. After Grand Cache the views are impressive as you ride along the Smoky River and mountains rising around you.

Drive Enjoyment

This is a route with that starts out with some hills and sweepers mixed in with long straights. Near Grand Cache the curves tighten and the elevation gains are greater for about 75 miles. After this the route straightens and flattens out to Grand Prairie. The pavement is generally pretty good with a few rough spots particularly in the Grand Cache area.

Tourism Opportunities

There are only three spots along this route with lodging, food and gas. At the beginning is Hinton, at 85 miles is Grand Cache and at the end is Grand Prairie. About 13 miles from the start is Switzer Park, a day use area with trails and swimming. At 65 miles is Pierre Greys Lake Park with camping, trails and fishing. There are several more parks north of Grand Cache also, the biggest being Musreau Lake.

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is a nice enjoyable ride. A longer but much more scenic route to Grand Prairie than Rt. 43 through Whitecourt. Grand Cache is the only place with services so you should stop there and at least fill up.
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