32 in Canada of 126 Routes 96 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 02, 2020

Rider Reviews

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640 McR Points
The scenery along this road is great the whole…

Written Directions

The route starts in Skagway on State St. as Rt.98 and continues 14 miles to the Canadian Border. From there it continues on Rt.2 for 83 miles to the Alaska Highway. 65 miles from Skagway at Carcross is the turnoff for the Tagish Road Rt.8 which cuts off east for 34 miles to Jakes Corner on the Alaska Highway.


The town of Skagway is very picturesque start to this route. The road climbs out from there into beautiful mile after mile of mountain scenery. There are numerous turnouts to stop and admire the beauty. Pictures do not do it justice. There are many miles of lakeside scenery to boot.

Drive Enjoyment

The route has it all. The pavement is generally fair. There are some rough spots and gravel breaks in there. There are plenty of sweepers, some tighter turns and plenty of elevation changes. The road flattens out north of Carcross.

Tourism Opportunities

Skagway is tourist heaven with many shops, restaurants, bars and places to stay. You can take a side trip on the White Pass and Yukon Railroad up to the White Pass. Up the route 14 miles north of the border is the Yukon Suspension Bridge , a nice stop. At Carcross is the Worlds Smallest Desert.

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
The scenery along this road is great the whole route. No need to speed through this one as there is too much to take in. Would have liked to been able to spend another day in Skagway.
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