98 in Canada of 126 Routes 63 Km 0 Followers
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By PaulC (812 McR Points) on Feb 04, 2021

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Written Directions

Calabogie is where all great roads meet. The 511 from Perth, Centennial Lake Road and the Calabogie road are a riders dream come true. For 511 from Perth, ON travel NW to #511. This road goes 63 kms NW to Calabogie, ON


This route winds its way through through gorgeous countryside. Rolling hills, and plenty of forests, make this very scenic ride.

Drive Enjoyment

Not a technically challenging road, 511 has many nice curves that will grab your attention. So while you're admiring the beautiful landscape, don't take your eyes off the road.

Tourism Opportunities

Perth has by far the bulk of any amenities you'd want - accommodations, dining, gas, etc. Along the route you'll find the occasional establishment. Calabogie itself has lodging and dining.

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