104 in Canada of 126 Routes 387 Km 0 Followers
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By Spud67 (90 McR Points) on Feb 08, 2021

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Written Directions

Start point option is Swan River, MB. From there travel East on Highway #10, skirting around the east side of Duck Mountain Provincial Park to Dauphin, MB. This is a good stop for gas since it is approx. 2 hours from Swan River. From Dauphin go west on Highway #5 to Roblin, MB. Gas stop there if needed then head north on Highway #83 through the western edge of Duck Mountain Provincial Forest back to Swan River, MB.


This route will take you on a loop through the west central parkland region of Manitoba. Looping around Duck Mountain Provincial Park. There is scenery from farmland to dense forest and hills and valleys. Watch out for wild life.

Drive Enjoyment

The road has many curves, hills on the east side of the Duck Mountains. From Dauphin to Roblin there is a little more farmland and also when you are in the Swan River Valley. The roads were in good shape when I traveled this route in the past.

Tourism Opportunities

There are many good choices for restaurants and hotels in all three communities along the route. There is lots of summer events happening in each community, one event is the Northwest Roundup and Exhibition in Swan River, the last weekend in July. Another the Dauphin Counrtyfest, held just south of Dauphin usually around the time of he July 1st long weekend, Canada's longest running country music festival.

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