93 in Canada of 126 Routes 140 Miles Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Dec 09, 2020

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Written Directions

This route starts at the junction with Rt.95. The route proceeds south as both Rt 93 & 95. for 64 miles. At the 64 mile mark you have to turn left to remain on Rt. 93. In another 19 miles , past Ft. Steele, Rts. 93 & 95 split. Stay straight for the ramp to Rt. 93. The route merges with Rt.3 for 35 miles. There turn right to remain on Rt. 93 and head towards the US border.


You leave radium and follow the Columbia River Valley for 9 miles. From there you ride along the shores of Lakes Windermere and Columbia. After the lakes you ride in the Kootenay River Valley the rest of the way. Mountains rise up on both sides of the route. There are several river crossings with close pull off areas to hike along the rivers. There was a lot of wildlife along this route and close to the road so caution is needed.

Drive Enjoyment

The pavement was good and the route was well signed , which makes it easy to follow through the turns required. There wasn't much elevation change and the turns were mostly sweepers.

Tourism Opportunities

There are several towns along the way from Radium that offer things to do. Invermere and Windermere near Windermere Lake have lodging, restaurants, aquatic things to do and tours of the area. Near Columbia Lake is Fairmont Hot Springs and it's relaxing waters.

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