101 in Canada of 126 Routes 66 Km 0 Followers
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By PaulC (812 McR Points) on Feb 06, 2021

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Written Directions

Whitney is just 6 kms from the eastern entrance to Algonquin Park. And 66 kms west of Whitney is the western edge of Algonquin Park.


Algonquin Park is renown for it's beautiful scenery and wildlife. It is an extraordinary place to take pictures, offering a plethora of photographic opportunities. Stunning panoramic landscapes, exhilarating wildlife, clear night skies and infinite macro photography possibilities abound. While riding Hwy 60 through the Park, keep your eyes open for any and all kinds of wildlife. Autumn Fall colours in Algonquin Park just don't get any better.

Drive Enjoyment

There’s probably nothing more blissful than a tour through Canada’s oldest provincial park, established in. You’ll be in 7600 square kilometres of maple hills, deciduous and coniferous forests, rocky ridges, spruce bogs, and thousands of lakes and streams. The pavement is great, there are plenty of places to stop and take a break (check out Lake of Two Rivers for a great little beach and stop in at the Visitor Information Centre). The only negative is that it’s hard to strap a canoe onto your bike…but maybe one day.

Tourism Opportunities

Whitney at the east end has shops and restaurants. Otherwise, the route is straight through the provincial park, with no amenities at all.

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