102 in Canada of 126 Routes 13 Km 0 Followers
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By PaulC (812 McR Points) on Feb 06, 2021

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Written Directions

Just south of Kawartha Highland Provincial Park is the town of Woodview on CR 28. Turn south onto County Road 56/Northey’s Bay Road, and travel13 kms to the eastern terminus at County 6 Rd.


A beautiful, winding route through forested land. With the lake on the south side. There are a few great points of interest along it, including a couple of significant treasures of the Kawartha Lakes Region.

Drive Enjoyment

So good. Just do it. Fresh pavement in parts, you’ll never get out of third. Some of you will never get out of second. The western section is an easy straight line shot north/south. As the road banks east, the fun begins. The route hugs the north shore of Upper Stormy Lake for 10 exhilarating kms.

Tourism Opportunities

The scenery is wonderful, as described in the section above. But the road has no amenities. And the towns close by are all very small. Make sure you're gassed up and fed before embarking on this short ride.

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