92 in Canada of 126 Routes 65 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Dec 09, 2020

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Written Directions

This route starts at the junction of TC-1 and Bc Rt.95. Follow Rt.95 south to Radium Hot Springs.


This route follows the broad Columbia River . You ride in it's valley with mountains rising up on both sides. To the east is Kootenay and Banff National Parks and all there wonder. There is abundant wildlife that relies on the river. there were numerous Deer near Radium.

Drive Enjoyment

The pavement was very good the entire route. There is little elevation change and mainly sweepers as you are following a river. There were numerous Deer around the Radium area so cautioin is advised.

Tourism Opportunities

The main tourist opportunities are at either end. Both have lodging, gas, and food. Both towns serve as gateways to parks to the east. Radium Hot Springs in particular is near the Hot Springs, a nice place to enjoy and relax. Sinclair Canyon has trails to hike too.

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