37 in Canada of 126 Routes 208 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 19, 2020

Rider Reviews

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640 McR Points
Another beautiful section of the Cassiar. The…

Written Directions

This segment of the Cassiar begins at the junction of BC Rts. 37 and 37A. Head north on the Cassiar Highway BC Rt.37 up to Dease Lake. If you have time Rt. 37A leads you to Stewart and Hyder to the west.


The scenery is on this route is just awesome mile after mile. You are surrounded by mountains as you follow the Bell-Irving river up to the Ningunsaw Park. The road takes on a hilly flavor through the park. From there you ride the shoreline of two lakes, Kinaskan and Eddontonajon past the Stikine River Gorge on to Dease Lake

Drive Enjoyment

The pavement on this route gets a little rougher and narrower the farther north you travel. You will find sections with no center line and the curves that have no signage on them. There are some gravel breaks and potholes to watch out for. There are no shoulders on this road. there are several wood bridges on this road also.

Tourism Opportunities

You are in the wilderness on this road. The opportunities for gas and food are few and far between. Bell 2 Lodge is 57 miles north of Meziadin Jct. Gas , lodging and food are available there. Tatogga Lake Resort comes up in about 90 miles after Bell 2. Tatogga Lake is a good spot to get a bite to eat and is an interesting place with a lot of taxidermy mounts there. There is abundant wildlife to be seen from the many roadside pulloffs also. Also as mentioned earlier a little side trip, Rt. 37A, takes you by Bear Glacier .

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Another beautiful section of the Cassiar. The best thing here is the scenery and wildlife. It is narrow and unmarked at times so a little vigilance is required. Tatogga Lake resort was a good breakfast stop. The guy cooking was a character. Lot of mounts there to look at and nice views too. Bell 2 is a must stop for gas and a place for a snack.
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