59 in Canada of 126 Routes 100 miles Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 19, 2020

Rider Reviews

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640 McR Points
This section of the Cassiar doesn't have quite…

Written Directions

This route starts at the junction of the Yellowhead Highway Rt.16 and Rt.37. You take Rt. 37 north to Meziadin Junction.


The route starts off crossing the big Skeena River then quickly climbs into hills to the north. There is a lot of wild life to be seen, particularly Bears, this is prime Bear habitat. You are in the Nass River Valley with Mountains to the sides.

Drive Enjoyment

The Pavement in this section is generally very good. The road is narrower than most with no shoulders. The curves are mostly sweeperes with some lomger straight sections. The Bridge over the Nass River is a one lane wood bridge so you need to be cautious there, especially if its wet.

Tourism Opportunities

There is not a lot of tourism opportunities here. There is gas and food at the start of the route. Right after crossing the Skeena River turn right on Bridge St. to see the Totem poles in Kitwanga. There are pulloffs to stop and stretch the legs and take in the sights.

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This section of the Cassiar doesn't have quite the splendor of the northern sections, but it is still a nice, scenic ride on its own. This is the easiest section to ride on the Cassiar. Kitwanga at the southern end has some spots to stop at . thers the Gitwangak battle hill Historical site and on Bridge St. there are the historical totem poles.
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