40 in Canada of 126 Routes 142 Miles 0 Followers
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5 out of 5 Rider Rating 5
1 Review

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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Dec 03, 2020

Rider Reviews

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90 McR Points
I really enjoyed this part of the ride on the…

Written Directions

This section of the route starts at the junction of TC-1 and BC Rt. 97. From there take TC-1 east to Sicamous.


This section of TC-1 starts off in a high desert setting. It makes you think you are further south in the high plains of the US with the Sagebrush quite common. The area is hilly up to the tobiano area. From here to Sicamous you are in the lakes region of this section. There are numerous views of mile after mile of lakeshore. A nice stop is a viewpoint about 7 miles east of the Thompson River Bridge. The route starts to transition after Monte Creek from the high desert to a more northern forest in anticipation of the mountains ahead towards Banff NP.

Drive Enjoyment

Being TC-1, the pavement is generally very good with numerous passing lanes with 4 lanes and limited access through the larger cities. There are some nice sweepers with some elevation change, especially in the first 40 miles. Would have given it a 5 but you do have to pass through Kamloops and truck traffic can slow you down

Tourism Opportunities

There are numerous things to do along this route. Lodging, food, and gas are plentiful. Kamloops is the biggest city along this section and will have just about anything you may want or need. Joe Schmucks Roadhouse in Sicamous is biker friendly. There are 2 parks to camp at, Juniper Beach and Steelhead within the first 30 miles of the route. This is an area loaded with lakes and rivers with trails .

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90 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I really enjoyed this part of the ride on the Trans Canada highway on a trip through the mountains. Amazing scenery
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