1 in Canada of 126 Routes 292 KM or 182 Miles 0 Followers
19 Rode it 14 Want to Ride it
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4.94 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.94
16 Reviews

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By Sandy67 (5 McR Points) on Sep 08, 2011

Rider Reviews

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This was a breath taking ride . A must do for…
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Written Directions

The Cabot Trail is nearly a full loop in Nova Scotia on Cape Breton island. I added a section of road (the Trans-Canadian Hwy (105)) that makes it a full loop. One suggested way you could do this loop would be to start at Buckwheat Corner. From Buckwheat corner you get on to the Cabot Trail and start out by going west but just stay on it as takes you west over to Margaree and then loops you north up to Pleasant Bay and then east west on Cabot Trail to Nelis Harbour and finally south back down to St. Anne's all on the Cabot Trail. From Saint Ann's, you should head south on the Trans-Canadian Hwy (105) to Buckwheat Corner and you've completed your loop. A nice town to see and spend the night is Baddeck (ba-DECK) which is just a bit east of the start of the route (start of the route being at Buckwheat Corner). It will take a little over an hour from the Causeway to Baddeck and the next morning it's about a 20 minute ride to the start of the Cabot Trail. It will take you from 3 hrs to, well, several days to cover the distance to Margaree Harbour - it's that beautiful. After Margaree Harbour there are several routes back to the causeway-take your pick.

canada road ranger

"I give this route a 5 as it combines wonderful roads, amazing scenery and fantastic local seafood.. Surrounded by water on both sides, and so many nice stops to make. The Rusty Anchor in Pleasant Bay on the west side serves great seafood, with outdoor seating overlooking the water. Meat Cove at the far north is a very interesting stop. It's the most northern point in Nova Scotia, and well worth the ride off the beaten path. And lunch on the east side at the Chowder House in Neils Harbour is a must visit."


This highway is carved out of mountains and is never far from the ocean. The mountains are not like the Rockies but perhaps similar to the Appalachians, approx. 500 meters high and heavily forested. It is a famous road and is easily researched on the internet. Lots of pictures and travel info there.

Drive Enjoyment

It's been a few years since I was there but I don't remember any rough stretches. Many curves and changes in elevation and the never ending ocean vistas.

Tourism Opportunities

I only remember some of it but Highlands Links Golf Course is spectacular, and the Keltic Lodge is a quite the resort (We didn't stay there). There is lots of info online. The island has a Scottish, Irish history (Celtic is pronounced with a hard C.) and music can be found just about anywhere. There is an event in the fall called Celtic Colours which I have never been to but have heard many good things about - the weather may be iffy though.

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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This was a breath taking ride . A must do for your bucket list .
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Motorcycle Type : Touring
This route is rated by many as the best Motorcycle ride in Canada
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Drove up to Cabot Trail from Vermont. The ride up there was nice but Cabot Trail was the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow"! Never forget it. My riding buddies are probably going to fly up there and rent some bikes and do it again as soon as we can scrounge up the funds ;-)
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I am one of the lucky ones to have this ride in my "backyard" as a local Nova Scotian. My husband and I have rode the Cabot Trail up to 6 times a year, and each trip is unique. There is a reason HOG rates this stretch of highway as one of North Americas top rides over 10 years ago...it is spectacular! As creators and publishers of Motorcycle Tour Guide Nova Scotia, we have riden almost every road in the province and I will be submitting more routes in the days ahead. Great website & information for riders to enjoy, will be checking out some routes for us to explore when we go to New York for the Americade in June.
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