56 in Canada of 126 Routes 33 Km 0 Followers
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Overall Route Rating
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4 out of 5 Rider Rating 4
1 Review

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By PaulC (812 McR Points) on Oct 25, 2020

Rider Reviews

812 McR Points
Fun ride. Lovely area

Written Directions

Arden runs north/south east of Kaladar. The north end is on Hwy #7, 18 kms east of Kaladar. The south end begins in Tamworth.


This is wonderful, sweeping road running through Central Frontenac County. Forest on both sides of the road for most the ride,

Drive Enjoyment

I'd like to give this ride a 4, but some 50% of the road is macadam. Means riding a bit slower than on smooth pavement, and focusing a bit more on the road surface than you usually would. Plenty of wonderful sweepers. A very nice ride, except for the macadam surface.

Tourism Opportunities

There are no amenities on the road, except for Arden at the north end and Tamworth at the south end. Tamworth has a couple of bakeries on the main street. Arden boasts five studios, including Arden Pottery, Arden Batik, Gallery on the Bay (handmade jewelry and paintings), Eclipse Studio (stained glass), and Cottage Studio Gallery (water colour paintings/original bluegrass music). Each year the Arden Artisans hold their annual “Open House and Garden Party” where visitors are encouraged to visit the artist’s studios and stroll through the wonderful gardens. In addition, Arden continues to play a key role in the annual “Inroads Studio Tour” held from Friday until Monday on the Labour Day weekend each year. The Inroads tour stands by its original tradition of inviting visitors into artist’s working studios to educate and share in the creative process.

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812 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Adventure Touring
Fun ride. Lovely area
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