34 in Canada of 126 Routes 275 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 18, 2020

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640 McR Points
This section of the highway continues the journey…

Written Directions

This section starts out in Watson Lake on Yukon Rt. 1 and heads west towards Whitehorse. !3 miles from Watson Lake is the turnoff for the Cassiar Highway. At 220 miles is the turnoff for the Tagish Road. In another 40 miles is the junction with the South Klondike Highway.


The route is relatively flat until the Rancheria River. From there the route follows the curves of the river with mountains rising up from the valley. The route then picks up the Swift River up to a nice ride along the shore of Teslin Lake. There are several impressive bridge crossings in the Teslin area. After this the route follows Marsh Lake to Whitehorse.

Drive Enjoyment

This section is one of the faster sections of the Alaska Highway. Mostly flat sections following rivers and lakes with long sweepers throughout. The pavement is in very good shape here.

Tourism Opportunities

The main opportunities here are in the towns along the way. Watson Lake and especially Whitehorse have places to stay and restaurant options along with a place to have a cold one. There are two little neat places in the Yukon to stay in the middle of nowhere, the Rancheria Motel and Cafe and the Continental Divide Lodge. Johnsons Crossing Lodge is a nice place to stop for a snack after crossing the Teslin River Bridge.

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This section of the highway continues the journey with more great scenery, abundant wildlife and generally pretty good pavement . Teslin is a good place to stop for a bite to eat and souvenir hunt. Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre in Whitehorse is an interesting place to visit for its exhibits and artifacts. Whitehorse also has many hotels, eats and bars.
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