35 in Canada of 126 Routes 320 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 18, 2020

Rider Reviews

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640 McR Points
This part of the highway is what you think of…

Written Directions

This section of the route starts out in Ft. Nelson BC and heads west on Bc Rt. 97 to Watson Lake YK. About 18 miles from Ft. Nelson is the junction with the Liard Highway.


This is the most scenic section of the entire Alaska Highway. The route starts off mostly flat for the first 50 miles . The road starts to twist and climb after this towards the highest pass on the Alaska Highway, Summit Pass at 4,250 feet. The road follows the shorelines of two picturesque lakes Summit and Muncho lakes. There is a lot of wildlife in this section with numerous Dall Sheep, Bison, Bears and one Lynx.

Drive Enjoyment

This section is the most challenging of the Alaska Highway. The elevation changes and there are many tighter turns here. The pavement is not as good as the first 300 miles or the 270 after Watson Lake. You have to watch for gravel breaks, and potholes plus sections of no center line. Thats all a small price to pay for the beauty you are riding through.

Tourism Opportunities

The main tourist opportunities in this section is nature itself. The views are incredible, the wildlife is plentiful. There are numerous spots to pull off and take a short hike. There are mostly isolated lodges and gas stop along this section. Muncho Lake has gas, snacks and a great view. Liard River Hot Springs is a relaxing stop for a weary body.

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This part of the highway is what you think of when you set out for Alaska, the remoteness, the rugged beauty, the abundant wildlife. This was my second time on this route and the highway itself has been much improved. Muncho Lake is a nice stop to relax and get a bite to eat. Liard River Hotsprings is a very relaxing stop, the only drawback was the second time there the Black Flies were bad.
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